
September 18, 2022. Installation of Officers of Bishop McNamara Assembly 384 at the St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Frederick, MD.

Newly install officers in front of St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church.
(LtoR) PFN Dwayne Singleton (Faithful Purser), Maryland District Warden, PFN Brian E. Woerner (Faithful Scribe, rear), Faithful Navigator Dirk Griffin, PFN Lee J. Ericksen (Faithful Comptroller, rear), PFN Raymond P. Vidal (Faithful Admiral), PFN Walter John Leskuski (Color Corps Commander, rear), SK Woody Johnston (Faithful Pilot), SK Jonas Rebeiro (Faithful Captain, rear), Rev. Keith Boisvert (Faithful Friar), amd Maryland District Master (rear).